Touch — Self-exploration in Preparation for Dual-cultivation.


Most men have been conditioned to be ashamed and guilty when touching themselves or exploring their bodies. That is what cultural conditioning has done to western men and masculinity; it’s been made shameful and dirty. But the male body is a gift of perfect natural design, beautiful and divine!
To be fully masculine you have to learn to be comfortable with your physical body, and the emotions you can awaken by knowing your body. Your male body is a miracle of nature’s design, it is a divine figure, filled with masculine energy, power, and spirit. Chances are you have no clue how your own touch can make you feel or you are just plain afraid to experience the unfamiliar emotions you’ll feel once you start touching yourself. Get a grip!
Along with the divine masculine principle (Śiva) you, as a man, are also powered by the complementary divine feminine principle (Śakti); both the masculine and feminine principles are necessary for overall psychospiritual health and well-being. Too much of one or the other results in incomplete evolution of your Self or your soul, and you stagnate in your awakening and development.
In our western culture, men and true masculinity have been suppressed by toxic cultural conditioning and negative stereotyping. Western culture has devised ways of controlling men and keeping them at the paśu (पशु) or animal stage of development.
Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch is a program designed to heal the suffering and the wounds inflicted on healthy men. You are liberated to give yourself permission to awaken the divine masculine and the divine feminine in yourself and be complete.
We start with what I call solo-cultivation, that is, self-exploration and discovery. In solo-cultivation you give yourself permission to awaken, explore, discover, love, trust, and surrender to your true Self, your true nature.

Read the entire article at Homoerotic Tantra for Gay Men. (Requires Access permission. Please go the the site and follow the instructions or request access at 


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