So. You Think You're a Warrior. Part II

So. You think you’re a Warrior?
Part II

In Part I, I provided some historical and legendary background to what it means to be a Warrior. In Part II, I go more into depth about what it means to be a Tāntric Warrior. In order to have a better understanding of what I mean when I describe a tantric man to be a Warrior, you need to be familiar with a couple of tāntric concepts that form the basis of the homoerotic tāntric typologies of men.
Lord Shiva
ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya |
In the Sanātanadharma (सनातनधर्म) doctrine of the guṇa‑s , the brāhmaṇatā (ब्राह्मणता) (priest caste) corresponds to the sattva (सत्त्व), or equipoise, balance harmony, goodness or virtuousness, while the Warrior (kṣatriya (क्षत्रिय)) or hero (vīra (वीर)) is identified with the neutral quality of rajas (रजस्),  or passions,  and all other guṇa‑s people are included under the influence of tamas (तमस्)  , or base instincts.  There is an underlying logic for the association of a guṇa to a particular caste or category of men: the sattva is the quality, which prepares the sādhaka for transcendence and higher states of being, while the tamas is the guṇa which is inclined to lower instincts. In other words, we can say that sattva is the quality, which characterizes higher subtle energies and spirituality, while tamas is the guna, which characterizes the base or lower subtle energies, and spirituality. It should be clear to the reader that when I use terms as "higher" or similar terms, I mean positive or creative principles. In contrast, when I use "base" or similar terms, I mean a more negative or inactive or even destructive principle.

This second part of the two-part article goes into detail about the Homoerotic Tantric Warrior type of man; what he is and what he isn't. It's a must-read for any man who want's to realize his true masculine spirit.

Read the entire article at Homoerotic Tantra for Gay Men  (Requires Access permission. Please request access at 


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