Revised Homoerotic Tantthe ra:Mascul-IN-Touch 2020 Modules

During February 2020, the new and revised set of Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch program resources and modules will be uploaded in summary form on this site. The complete texts and the associated PDF documents for your manual notebooks will be made available only on the private site at

The site at is a private site, which means that access is restricted to men who have been approved for access based on a personal request. It's very simple, though. All you have to do is go to the site and follow the instructions for requesting access. Daka Karuna will receive your request and will generally approve access. From that point on you will have access to all of the newest posts, pages, articles, comments, documents, etc.regularly published for followers and sisyas of HET:MIT.

I anticipate that the first modules to be uploaded will be the self-assessments, which I recommend you complete as soon as possible. They are for you personal information but if you wish to join the HET:MIT inner circle as a sisya (aspirant), you will have to return the completed forms to Daka Karuna. Only sisyas will be able to print out the PDFs provided on the site.

Once you decide you are the right stuff for HET:MIT, you will have access to the introductory material that is intended for beginners or novices. You'll learn the basics of Homoerotic Tantra and Mascul-IN-Touch before you move on to the more esoteric, deeper practices, exercises, and rituals.
For the moment, be sure to follow the Twitter site and let like-minded friends and followers know about this important program for gay and bisexual men, who are seeking self-awareness, self-knowledge,a deeper sense of their masculine spirituality, and a deeper, more meaningful relationship with their Tantric Lover(s).


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