Our Code of Conduct

Homoerotic Tantra and Mascul-IN-Touch are all about truth and becoming a Tantric Warrior. You can't do that with so many people unless you have some way of declaring what you are all about, where you want to go, and how to get there.
code of ethics bannert in wood type Most tantra programs are open-door; they have no real foundation, and are simply providing a service to satisfy the ignorant with no interest in evolving beyond the animal phase of existence. We are bombarded with offerings of exotic or tantric massage, sacred sexuality, and the like. Quickies for a buck. Homoerotic Tantra and Mascul-IN-Touch are different. We are men-who-love-men and who are aspiring to greater self-awareness and we make a commitment to evolve out of the status quo, stripping ourselves of all the toxic cultural conditioning and stereotyping, to achieve liberation of our divine masculinity. If all that we say is true and our objectives are what we say they are, we need to accept and agree on a roadmap. That roadmap and guidance is in the form of our statement of ethical principles,
Click here to view/download the complete code of conduct.


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