Introduction to the Chakras
Chakras are sites of subtle energy concentration in the body, and they play a vital role in our physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being. A basic understanding of how this body-mind-spirit energy system works is an important step in achieving physical, mental and spiritual health. If you are to understand how yogic homoerotic Tantra and the Mascul-IN-Touch℠ program works, you need to be comfortable with the concept of chakras.
The Sanskrit word “chakra” actually means a wheel or a disk.[1] Knowing this is helpful because in meditation we want to visualize the chakra upon which we are meditating and it would be rather difficult to imagine an energy concentration with nothing more to embrace than that vague terminology. So we do our best by visualizing first the concept of chakra as an energized spinning disk, and then we attribute to it its characteristic color, and finally we chant the bija mantra, a mantra syllable associated with that particular chakra. Using my own dominant chakra, the Svadhisthana chakra (the Sacral Chakra), I would visualize in my mind a form of a spinning disk of energy, however I might think of such a thing, then I color it with the color associated with my chakra, orange, and during my meditation I focus on that vision while chanting the mantric syllable VAM (pronounced V-AA-MG). I visualize that energy and its movement up and down the chakra system, a bright pathway of light along which my energy moves as a golden sphere up and down my spine.
[caption id="attachment_772" align="aligncenter" width="199"] Bija Syllable VAM of Svadhisthana[/caption]
We thus awaken the shakti (cosmic power, not to be confused with the feminine principle, Shakti) or Kundalini (Sanskrit meaning “coiled”; visualized as a three-coiled serpent asleep at the base of the spine) that lies dormant like a huge cobra, ready to awaken and rise with the powerful energies of a released spring coil. When this happens, the Tantrika will feel the power in body, mind and spirit: the awakening Kundalini.[2]
As we progress on our journey into higher consciousness, you will hear and read the word “awareness” very frequently, and you must understand it in a broader sense than just sensory perception. When I write about “awareness,” I am describing a state that embraces the physical (the body, the world), the mind (sensory experiences and interpretations or associations, emotions, etc.), and the spirit (mind, consciousness, awakenedness). Understanding this broader meaning is important to your understanding of our continuing discussions about chakras and their energies, because most readers will associate “awareness” only with the psychological or the spiritual exclusively; it’s much bigger than that.
An unfortunate consequence of that limited understanding of awareness becomes obvious when we discuss the chakras. When I mention the word “chakra” most people immediately jump to the Third Eye chakra or one or another of the upper three, the Throat, or Crown chakras, the more esoteric, airy realms of the higher or purer consciousness. I have to regularly remind my followers that there are seven chakras, seven energy centers, and they are all interconnected, and each of them produces its own “awareness” or “consciousness.” We will discuss this concept when we discuss the individual chakras.
In other words, I teach that there is a specific awareness for each of the seven chakras that we will cultivate in our homoerotic Tantra work, that is, there are seven chakras and seven types of awareness. Accepting this notion in conjunction with the principles of yogic conduct and ethics will empower you to be humble and not to act as though we are more “aware” than anyone else; that’s pure arrogance and nonsense. We each are “aware” differently but “aware” of the same Reality, of which we are a part, and which is unchangeable, eternal, and One. Just one of the many paradoxes in yogic homoerotic Tantra that you will learn to understand.
The entire article on the Introduction to the Chakras is posted on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Click the link below.
[1] As with many of the terms we use in the 5000 year-old yoga traditions, chakra has any number of different meanings, depending on the context and the reference source (interpretive texts, scriptures, etc.). Here we are understanding the word to men those subtle energies present in the body; elsewhere, the word may be used differently such as in the case of “puja chakra” (a group worship ritual) which we will use to describe the erotic Tantric rituals of worship of the Divine Lover.
[2] We distinguish between the mere awakening of the kundalini and the actual ascent of the kundalini energies.
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