Men without Chests...

Men Without Chests, Feelings, Souls?

What is becoming of the American man?

We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and  enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” C.S. Lewis, The Abolition Of Man[1]

Please note: The complete article has been moved to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Please visit that site to access the complete updated article. If you experience any trouble accessing the new website, please email Gay Daka Karuna (William) and request access authorization.

Sigmund Freud coined the term "penis envy" to describe women's envy of masculinity. Since then, there's been more than "penis envy;" there's job envy, body envy, spirit envy, "whatever-a-man-has" envy.

There is a plethora of evidence in the literature and media over the past couple of decades that point to the fact that men today, especially men in America, need a makeover — desperately.

There has been an alarming decline in male self-awareness and masculinity over the past 30 or so years, judging from the research, that points to the fact that men are losing touch with themselves and, consequently, losing touch with reality. The all-consuming female principle has gone unchecked or has been turned lose by an increasingly complacent and out-of-touch society, and the result is imbalance and chaos. It cannot and likely will not have a good end. The sages have predicted this to be the final yuga or age, the age of the destructive female demon-goddess Kali, an age of darkness.

Metaphorically, the four Yuga epochs symbolize the four phases of involution during which the human race gradually lost the awareness of their inner selves and subtle bodies.

This teaching interprets the epochs of time (yugas) to represent the degree of loss of righteousness in the world. This teaching suggests that during Satya Yuga, only truth prevailed (Sanskrit Satya = truth, is one of the fundamental principles of yogic Tantra). During the Treta Yuga, the universe lost one-fourth of the truth, and duing the Dwapar Yuga, the world lost one-half of the truth. Now, in this current yuga, the Kali Yuga is left with only one-fourth of the truth. Evil and dishonesty have therefore gradually replaced truth in the last three ages.

We have had the benefit of prophetic writers like C.S. Lewis, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley, who had predicted prophetically the current state of affairs. The sages of Sanatana Dharma and other faith and belief traditions warned of the “decline of mankind,” and we are witnessing it on a global scale everywhere. We do indeed live in the fourth yuga, the yuga of darkness, dishonesty, and evil.

Being a student of Sanatana Dharma and yogic Tantra, and being a male who cherishes above all his masculinity and defends it ferociously while remaining like the lotus, I attribute much of what is going on with the political and cultural assaults on masculinity and the decline of men to a fundamental imbalance in the masculine and feminine principles in the world, in our culture, and in ourselves. That balance has to be restored if we are to survive.

That’s why I took the step to create the discipline of Homoerotic Tantra: Mascul-IN-Touch; men have to get back in touch with themselves and each other, and I believe that Homoerotic Tantra is a key to doing that.

Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website.


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