What Makes a Younger-Older Relationship Work, More Desirable?
This Is Why Younger-Older Is Better!
Please note: The complete article has been moved to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Please visit that site to access the complete updated article. If you experience any trouble accessing the new website, please email Gay Daka Karuna (William) and request access authorization.
Younger-Older relationships are very misunderstood, even by men who think that they prefer younger-older relationships. Younger-older is plagued also by the cultural heterosexual reproductive stereotypes that dictate that only young persons, heterosexual, and close in age should partner up. That's because the whole partnering thing was intended to promote procreation, not stable, growth relationships benefitting both the partners. Heterosexual procreative partnerships, unlike younger-older partnerships, had survival of the species in mind, not personal growth and sharing with procreation taking a back-seat to shared life and growth (procreation not being an option, particularly in the case of gay men).
The unfortunate fact that everyone has an opinion and judges according to what makes them feel most comfortable is aggravated by the inappropriate application of heterosexual conventions to gay male relationships. There's also a gender double-standard between women and men when it comes to younger-older dating and relationships; it's been acceptable for generations for younger women to date older men but for some reason our culture has been less kind to younger men dating or in relationships with older men. For women it's "sexy," for men, it seems, there has to be some exploitation going on. That's idiotic, unfair, and blatantly sexist!

We can all agree that the younger-older, the mister-daddy relationship can have a darker side, just as any relationship between two persons may have. I'm thinking here of the exploitive types of relationships where the younger man may exploit the older man. This is not unusual when the older man is unrealistic and perhaps lonely. Unrealistic because he fails to cope with the fact that he may have an image of himself that is discordant with reality: he has failed to take care of himself and may be barking up the wrong tree. Then there's the younger man who has ambitions and sees in the older man an opportunity to achieve social status or even financial advantage, a kind of vanilla prostitution. The reverse can also be true. There are the situations where the older man can attract a vulnerable younger man by promises of advancement, gifts, even a home, but is only exploiting the younger man for physical pleasure or for feeding his ego. All of these situations are possible and do happen, despite the fact that they are immoral, unfair, and degrading to both parties.

But the dark, ugly side is possible only when one or both of the partners are disordered, unaware, or just plain evil.
Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website.

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