Are You Engaging in Self-Defeating/Self-Destructive Behavior?
You might be asking yourself what such a question as self-destructive behavior has to do with Homoerotic Tantra. And I'd have to reply that it's a damn good question. But it has a lot to do with Homoerotic Tantra because tantra has everything to do with awareness, awakening, finding truth, living in the moment, being present, and being in touch with and communicating with one's true self. Self-deceiving, self-defeating or self-destructive behavior does none of that; in fact, it's the antithesis of Homoerotic Tantra, and I hope this article helps you to understand that fact, and that you will enjoy an awakening of the spirit in virtue of that understanding. Namasté, brothers!
Please note: The complete article has been moved to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Please visit that site to access the complete updated article. If you experience any trouble accessing the new website, please email Gay Daka Karuna (William) and request access authorization.
An Age of Addictions
We live in an age of dehumanization, of materialism, consumerism, anxiety, loneliness, and isolation. We have more addictions today than anyone would have imagined a generation ago: gaming, shopping, drugs, sex, spectator sports, work, there's even a psychiatrically recognized Internet Addiction Disorder or IAD[1], which has its own set of symptoms and subcategories, Facebook Addiction Syndrome[2], Gaming Addiction Syndrome[3]! We live in an age of isolation and control.
The 3-Ds: Deception, Defeat, Destruction, have nothing to do with dimension or depth.
But the isolation is a disorder in its own right, and the control is coming from the outside, the media, your smartphone, social media, and it's everywhere but cleverly concealed. The anxiety and other signs of the times are expressed in a particular way: the self-deception, self- defeating, self-destructive behaviors (cumulatively referred to as “SDB” below). We observe the SDBs all around us. They follow a trajectory running from the innocuous to the deceptive to the defeating to the destructive behavior that can even result in suicide. SDB can represent all or any of these three stages at any given time -- the 3-Ds: deception, defeat, destruction, have nothing to do with dimension or depth. Sounds like a military war strategy, doesn't it? Well, my friends, we are at war: internally with ourselves and externally with those who want to control us, the “controllers.”[4]
SDB is one of the manifestations of the conflict. SDB is manifested physically in deterioration of one's health or even suicide. Mentally in becoming obsessive and compulsive thoughts or beliefs that manifest in SDB. Socially by interfering with normal personal and social interactions. Spiritually by altering one's perception of reality, appreciations of core values, altered self- awareness, deterioration of awareness, obstruction of awakening, altered perception of truth. SDB may be deliberate and intentional, uncontrolled or impulsive, or the SDB may develop over time as a habit or even as an identity. Yes, you can become your SDB.
The photo is not the real person and the profile is not true.
Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website.
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