Gay Dating Sites: Watch Your Back!
Is He Real, A Troll, A Lurker, A Perv??? You need to listen carefully and keep your eyes open. Details count! [caption id="attachment_209" align="aligncenter" width="685"] The Dark Side of Internet Dating Sites. [/caption] Over the course of a couple of months I have been watching what is going on on Facebook and Twitter in terms of gay themed sites and posts. All those people, there’s no way to even know if they are men or women, or whatever, posting with obviously fake names, profile pictures that are obviously professional models or people whom the poster finds attractive but are not the poster, posts that are transparently a load of crapola. In short, I was not only unimpressed with what I was seeing, I was getting really annoyed. Annoyed not only with the liars and the frauds, but with the people who were responding with likes, friend requests, and comments! I thought to myself, “Has the world gone stupid all around me?” A couple of invitations caugh...