A Word About Why I Left Facebook
I'M PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT IF HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF FACEBOOK'S BULLSHIT AND THOUGHT POLICE TACTICS. I'VE LEFT FACEBOOK FOR GOOD. IT'S A MESS AND THEY TREAT SUBSCRIBERS LIKE DIRT. ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS FACEBOOK REALLY NEEDS TO SEEK THERAPY; IT'S SELF-ABUSE AND SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. MARK ZUCKERBERG IS A PRICK, AND HIS NEW ARMY OF PROPAGANDIST THOUGHT POLICE MAKE THE GESTAPO LOOK LIKE OLD LADIES AT A CHURCH SOCIAL. FACEBOOK, I'VE UNFRIENDED YOU! IN FACT, I CONSIDER IT A BLESSING NOT TO BE PART OF AN EVIL SYSTEM OF CONTROL. Can you believe it? Facebook, according to news sources, has hired more than 7,000 censors to increase its surveillance and control of what you share on Facebook. This increased censorship effort only creates more anxiety among subscribers because Facebooks "community standards" are so vague and enforcement is so arbitrary. You simply can't be certain what might be the cause of a block of your account or even deactivation. Of course, creat...